All tutorialsPage 1 of 5Building a Next.js cookie consent bannerJul 13, 2023Ian VanagasGet feedback and book user interviews with surveysJul 11, 2023Ian VanagasHow to do A/A testingJul 7, 2023Ian VanagasHow to do holdout testingJul 6, 2023Ian VanagasThe best of PostHog. Delivered twice a month.SubscribeHow to use Next.js middleware to bootstrap feature flagsJul 4, 2023Ian VanagasHow to calculate bounce rateJun 27, 2023Ian VanagasHow to capture Webflow form submissionsJun 22, 2023Ian VanagasHow to set up a location-based site bannerJun 15, 2023Ian VanagasHow to analyze autocapture events with HogQLJun 7, 2023Ian VanagasThe power of HogQL’s sum() aggregationJun 6, 2023Ian VanagasHow to create a broken link (404) checkerJun 1, 2023Ian VanagasUsing HogQL for advanced time and date filtersMay 30, 2023Ian VanagasHow to set up Next.js monitoringMay 30, 2023Ian VanagasHow to calculate DAU/MAU ratioMay 29, 2023Ian VanagasUsing HogQL for advanced breakdownsMay 16, 2023Ian VanagasHow to set up one-time feature flagsMay 12, 2023Ian VanagasHow to track high-volume APIsMay 9, 2023Ian VanagasHow to bootstrap feature flags in React and ExpressMay 2, 2023Ian VanagasHow to track new and returning users in PostHogApr 26, 2023Ian VanagasHow to improve web app performance using PostHog session replaysApr 13, 2023Lior Neu-ner123…5